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The Salmonville Letter Writer

Full Cast Comedy Mystery Series

The Salmonville Letter Writer is a deep dive into a fake crime. Salmonville, part idealistic-part disgusting, is an American town in a northern, rural corner of Rhode Island. It was overrun by scandal in the late 1970s when a string of letters from an unidentified writer were sent to residents around town, threatening to reveal the dirty secrets lurking in the seedy underbelly of Salmonville. The town police, mainly Investigator Randy Peterson, have kept the investigation open, never securing a conviction despite arresting three separate suspects. Esme Bright, Ron Dinkinson and Geoff Lamond were all at one point facing trial for the crimes of the Salmonville Letter Writer. The scandal died off in the 80s, but has recently seen a resurgence, bringing freelance journalist and podcaster, Rutherford Winchester, to town to get to the bottom of the mystery. This podcast is much better than Serial.



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