Eglantine Whitechapel: Supernatural Detective

Full Cast Urban Fantasy Thriller Series

Before she was a cultural icon, super-celebrity, fitness coach, bestselling author, columnist, spokesperson, philanthropist, explorer, Commander-in-Chief at NASA, platinum-selling solo artist and Prime Minister of Great Britain, Eglantine Whitechapel was a simple secret agent in the midst of the cold war.

When her beloved mentor Ira Nudeman mysteriously vanishes along with his cursed, occult book the Necromicon it's clear to Whitechapel that the Soviets are to blame. Their aim: harness the supernatural in order to achieve world domination. But when top brass write off her theory as pure fiction, Whitechapel takes matters into her own hands.

With her handsome sidekick Vic Finnegan in tow, it's down to Eglantine Whitechapel: Supernatural Detective to save the free world from its true enemies: ghosts, vampires, yetis, squid and mummies…if she can prove they exist.



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