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Enoch The Traveler

Enoch The Traveler is a story about an immortal multiverse-traveling being who tries to regain his humanity. The story is written by Lady Soliloque and is available as a free full cast audio drama, downloadable from the website.

Enoch, The great Enoch, born into a world as a stranger, taken out of time to the Caelestis Concilium where he learned all the secrets of creation: the parallel dimensions, parallel worlds, and multitude of universes which make up the multiverse along with all of the races and beings that exist within them. An immortal existence surrounded by the Angelus and a millennia of knowledge, all that ever was and all that ever could be, distanced him from the humanity he was born with and he traveled through creation without purpose or empathy. Ultimately, his loss of humanity and inability to empathize caused a disastrous string of events in various universes and forced the Angelus to put him on trial for his involvement and imprison him.