Defender Radio

Defender Radio is a podcast by The Association for the Protection of Fur-Bearing Animals, an organization dedicated to protecting wildlife. In addition to its nonfiction content, the podcast offers two Christmas-themed audio dramas aimed at young listeners.

This is the Defender Radio Family Christmas SpecialChristmas In A Cozy Cave is a heart-warming Christmas tale of two very different animals who were the best of friends, as they try to give each other holiday gifts to show how much they appreciate each other. But in their efforts, they may jeopardize Christmas for one another!

An audio drama written by Michael Howie and Megan Howie. Adapted from O. Henry's Gift of the Magi.

Reggie Raccoon is looking forward to a day of loot on December 25. Will his greed reign, or will the spirit of giving find its way into his heart?