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Dave Cornford

Dave Cornford is a writer who puts out a podcast – titled Live-Fiction Podcast – of his own contemporary short stories. Some of the stories are also collected into free digital audiobooks.

GUYS can read? Hell yeah, and they can listen too.

You'll love the eight stories in this collection because they each have something about them that appeals to male readers. Or might do. Not that females won't like them, especially. Anyway, there's no saccharine romance, no vampires and no soppy happy endings. But there are also no zombies, no dragons and no explosions.

There is humor, there is sport and there are cars. There's sadness and reality, wives and girlfriends, mates, success and failure. There is one “Game of Thrones” reference. There's a story about taking the trash out, and one set in a hardware store. There's one set somewhere that I can't say or it will give the twist away.

Some are short, a few of them will take about an hour to read - or in this case, listen to. You might have to concentrate just a little. It'll do you good.

Dive in. You know you want to.

Do you parents fill you up with their faults and add a few extra ones as a special bonus?

Rob meets Charis at the same time as he is making contact with is estranged father. Charis and her past are soon extra complications in a family tragedy that threatens to derail Rob's plans for their future together.