A Garden of Terrible Blooms

Full Cast Multigenre Anthology

Created during the pandemic, A Garden of Terrible Blooms is a passion project between two artists of different disciplines working together to bring radio plays to fruition. The work is for audiences who enjoy more unusual and imaginative material that leaves some mystery, straddles the dream and the waking world, and is still emotionally grounded. With elements of noir, the fantastical, horror, tragedy and comedy, each play takes place in a different part of Los Angeles, focusing on locations and people that are not often spotlighted in this iconic city, where the playwright and composer continue to find inspiration. Murdered Jane Does, middle age singles, a police helicopter pilot, a wife of a mass murderer – the characters haunt alleys, siren-soaked Hollywood nights, suburbs, coyote outskirts, and dive bars, all where a glimmer of connection might be found, or their story might end. The soundscapes that have been created for each play serve as another parallel story, that goes beyond the usual sound effects found in typical radio plays. When combined with the dialogue, the sound and music create beautiful and multilayered worlds of darkness and redemption.



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