Table of Contents

The Ancient Radio Players



The Ancient Radio Players is a radio troupe based out of Ada, Oklahoma. They perform several audio drama anthologies.


Dark Sanctuary

This is the group's horror anthology series.

Earl and Woody

Earl and Woody are the owners of The Full Tank Gas Station in Puskatahaw, OK. They sit and ponder their lives, the weather, and their daily troubles in this hilarious comedy show.

Mystery, Inc.

This series chronicles the adventures of Ian Pierce, Jack Long, and Peter Ivonovichan Englishman, American, and Russian. Assembled by a mysterious group known as The Organization, these three heroes hop around the globe righting wrongs, getting the girls, and exchanging witty repartee. The show is set up as a serial with each chapter finishing with a cliff hanger ending. Each story is told in a seven-chapter format. The boys may have to chase down a missing stealth missing in one adventure and then hunting werewolves in the next.

The Okie Red Dust Review

This show is a comedy/variety show that lampoons life in small-town Oklahoma. The show is set at the radio station of the mythical town of Red Dust, OK. The shows satirize news, weather, sports, cooking shows, car help shows, furniture repair shows, poetry, radio, and the list goes on and on.